Table of Contents
This appendix covers the escaping rules used to represent non-ASCII characters in Haskell character and string literals. Haskell's escaping rules follow the pattern established by the C programming language, but expand considerably upon them.
A single character is surrounded by ASCII single quotes,
, and has type Char.
:type 'c'
'c' :: Char
A string literal is surrounded by double quotes,
, and has type [Char] (more
often written as String).
"a string literal"
"a string literal"ghci>
:type "a string literal"
"a string literal" :: [Char]
The double-quoted form of a string literal is just syntactic sugar for list notation.
['a', ' ', 's', 't', 'r', 'i', 'n', 'g'] == "a string"
Haskell uses Unicode internally for its Char data type. Since String is just an alias for [Char], a list of Chars, Unicode is also used to represent strings.
Different Haskell implementations place limitations on the character sets they can accept in source files. GHC allows source files to be written in the UTF-8 encoding of Unicode, so in a source file, you can use UTF-8 literals inside a character or string constant. Do be aware that if you use UTF-8, other Haskell implementations may not be able to parse your source files.
When you run the ghci interpreter interactively, it may not be able to deal with international characters in character or string literals that you enter at the keyboard.
Some characters must be escaped to be represented inside a character or string literal. For example, a double quote character inside a string literal must be escaped, or else it will be treated as the end of the string.
Haskell uses essentially the same single-character escapes as the C language and many other popular languages.
Table B.1. Single-character escape codes
Escape | Unicode | Character |
\0 | U+0000 | null character |
\a | U+0007 | alert |
\b | U+0008 | backspace |
\f | U+000C | form feed |
\n | U+000A | newline (line feed) |
\r | U+000D | carriage return |
\t | U+0009 | horizontal tab |
\v | U+000B | vertical tab |
\" | U+0022 | double quote |
\& | n/a | empty string |
\' | U+0027 | single quote |
\\ | U+005C | backslash |
To write a string literal that spans multiple lines, terminate one line with a backslash, and resume the string with another backslash. An arbitrary amount of whitespace (of any kind) can fill the gap between the two backslashes.
"this is a \ \long string,\ \ spanning multiple lines"
Haskell recognises the escaped use of the standard two- and three-letter abbreviations of ASCII control codes.
Table B.2. ASCII control code abbreviations
Escape | Unicode | Meaning |
\NUL | U+0000 | null character |
\SOH | U+0001 | start of heading |
\STX | U+0002 | start of text |
\ETX | U+0003 | end of text |
\EOT | U+0004 | end of transmission |
\ENQ | U+0005 | enquiry |
\ACK | U+0006 | acknowledge |
\BEL | U+0007 | bell |
\BS | U+0008 | backspace |
\HT | U+0009 | horizontal tab |
\LF | U+000A | line feed (newline) |
\VT | U+000B | vertical tab |
\FF | U+000C | form feed |
\CR | U+000D | carriage return |
\SO | U+000E | shift out |
\SI | U+000F | shift in |
\DLE | U+0010 | data link escape |
\DC1 | U+0011 | device control 1 |
\DC2 | U+0012 | device control 2 |
\DC3 | U+0013 | device control 3 |
\DC4 | U+0014 | device control 4 |
\NAK | U+0015 | negative acknowledge |
\SYN | U+0016 | synchronous idle |
\ETB | U+0017 | end of transmission block |
\CAN | U+0018 | cancel |
\EM | U+0019 | end of medium |
\SUB | U+001A | substitute |
\ESC | U+001B | escape |
\FS | U+001C | file separator |
\GS | U+001D | group separator |
\RS | U+001E | record separator |
\US | U+001F | unit separator |
\SP | U+0020 | space |
\DEL | U+007F | delete |
Haskell recognises an alternate notation for control
characters, which represents the archaic effect of pressing
the control key on a
keyboard and chording it with another key. These sequences
begin with the characters \^
, followed by a
symbol or uppercase letter.
Table B.3. Control-with-character escapes
Escape | Unicode | Meaning |
\^@ | U+0000 | null character |
\^A through \^Z | U+0001 through U+001A | control codes |
\^[ | U+001B | escape |
\^\ | U+001C | file separator |
\^] | U+001D | group separator |
\^^ | U+001E | record separator |
\^_ | U+001F | unit separator |
Haskell allows Unicode characters to be written using
numeric escapes. A decimal character begins with a digit,
e.g. \1234
. A hexadecimal character begins
with an x
, e.g. \xbeef
An octal character begins with an o
e.g. \o1234
The maximum value of a numeric literal is
, which may also be written
String literals can contain a zero-width escape sequence,
written \&
. This is not a real
character, as it represents the empty string.
The purpose of this escape sequence is to make it possible to write a numeric escape followed immediately by a regular ASCII digit.
Because the empty escape sequence represents an empty string, it is not legal in a character literal.